About Me

It’s been 15 years since I picked up my first proper camera. I started stage photography in different live shows, concerts and street-dance competitions. Then switched to portraiture and comprehensive, including fashion, marketing campaign, large-scale commercial event and more.

I became a better visual storyteller after spending some years to study and work in Hollywood where I gained tremendous production experience, and later leaded me to establish my own creative agency “Studio Protolith” which was the pivot of my artistic and entrepreneurial pursue.

Nevertheless, photography is always my main course because it just feels home. I’d say the signature of my work embodies a sense of authenticity through capturing truthful expression and moment, with a touch of cinematic embellishment from time to time.

Hello, I’m Sung

London based photographer and producer

People don't have ideas.

Ideas have people.

— Carl Jung

With that being said, I’m simply the messenger and medium of what I capture. And I hope the ideas have you, and you’d also have me alongside.